La Golondrina - Program
The theme
The Summer Programme (titled after the Spanish name for the swallow bird, which appears only during Summer) offers a series of theatre performances and workshops, created with ideas of participation, public-activation, and activation of senses and movement in focus.
The thematic red thread that characterises the programme is the idea of Storytelling. After a year that challenged our social health, communities and general togetherness, we’ve discovered the importance of sharing positive, uplifting and empowering stories. We would like to explore ways in which stories can be told, retold, kept and shared, with starting points in theatre.
These can be stories about ourselves, about the space we move in, about our homes, our past, and imagined stories for our future.
Through weekly workshops and performances during the month of July, our aim is to establish a space where theatre can be experienced by everyone, and all participants become storytellers.
Program - 2021

Unicorn Invasion - by Ikarus Stage Arts
Date: 25. June 12:45
Location: Farvergården
About the performance:
Unicorn Invasion Parade & The Blue Apple is an itinerant show that includes different elements from theatre, dance, clown, circus and live music. The choreographies and songs are strongly inspired by Lationamerican, Balcan and African music. The performers use masks shaped as an unicorn head, percussion instruments, tambourines, trutrucas, djembes and chairs.
Free admission / No reservation necessary.
Whisperers - A Storytelling Workshop
Date: 3. July 10:00 - 13:30
Location: Kulturmaskinen Café
About the workshop:
Whispering poetry is a poetic experience that was born in France in 2001, with “Les Souffleurs” by Olivier Comte, an eccentric group of French artists whose utopian and fundamental slogan is to work towards the slowdown of the world.
This workshop is inspired by “Les Souffleurs”. Our proposal is that everyone that wishes to learn this technique can participate in this workshop, create their own whisper, and choose what they want to share with others.
The activity will be divided into two sessions. First, the participants will get to know the technique, paint the whispers, and choose what they want to whisper. In the second part, they will practice and go out on the streets to whisper to people they meet.
The workshop is facilitated by actress and storyteller Juliana Appel.
Free admission with reservation: ticket here

Drop-in Collage Workshop
Date: 7. July 14:00 - 18:00
Location: Rosenbækhuset, Odense
About the workshop:
Analogue collage is a simple technique that facilitates visual storytelling and unlocks creativity and imagination. As a medium of creative expression, collage allows participants to reflect and actively become storytellers, as they use fragments to put together a new image. The simplicity of approach is paralleled by a depth and calmness of involvement it can generate in the participants. The workshop facilitator will offer cues, tips, tricks and materials that will help participants in the process.
The workshop is facilitated by Andrea Albernaz
Sensorial theatre workshop
Date: 16. July 18:00
Location: Kulturmaskinen Odense
About the workshop:
Sensorial theatre uses techniques that activate the senses and put the body in focus; sensations and inputs from the immediate surroundings become elements that play a role for the performing body. In this workshop, games and exercises will be used to facilitate an experience of what sensory theatre is and how it can provide us with tools for better communication, empathy, and awareness.
The workshop is facilitated by Andrea Albernaz.
Free admission with reservation: ticket here

Coema - A brazilian fairytale by Lusus Theatre
Date: 17. July 11:00
Location: Kulturmaskinen Odense
About the play:
‘Coema’ is an adaptation of a Brazilian folk tale and the actress incorporated her experience as a storyteller with physical theatre training to create original work. She collaborates in the process with a live musician on stage (Jon D. Bendixen) to enable a poetic imagery.
Location: indoors
Duration: 45 min
Language: English
Age group: 6+
Free admission with reservation: ticket here

Read theatre together
Date: 23. July 18:00
Location: Kulturmaskinen Odense
About the workshop:
The workshop facilitates the reading aloud of a theatre play, with a focus on exploring voice, movement, body-awareness, collaboration, response, and basic acting skills.
The workshop is facilitated by Andrea Albernaz
Free admission with reservation: ticket here
CASA/HOME - A Play by Andrea Albernaz
Date: 24. July 16:00
Location: Kulturmaskinen Odense
About the play:
CASA is a play that explores themes of mobility, moving across borders, to new countries, and changing one’s life. The recent year and the global pandemic are also a point of departure in the creative process – the lockdown, the health uncertainty and subsequent limits to freedom to travel, move, explore, escape.
The aim is a poetic play, with images and understandings of spaces and lived experiences common to all humans. The play is an exploration of the capacity of theatre to produce empathy, understanding, and bridge cultural and social differences.
Keywords: theatre of objects | sensory theatre | immersive
Free admission with reservation: ticket here

Theatre games workshop
Date: 30. July 18:00
Location: Kulturmaskinen Odense
About the workshop:
This workshop invites participants to play with known theatre and acting techniques. The workshop facilitator prepares structured games and exercises to engage the participants. Elements of diction, body presence, movement, improvisation, use of props and working with excerpts of theatre plays will be part of the workshop. The meaning is to explore together methods and tools of storytelling.
The workshop is facilitated by Andrea Albernaz.
Free admission with reservation: ticket here

Mini-a-Tours - by Betina Birkjær
Date: 31. July 10:00 - 16:00
Location: Outdoors / Farvergården and Brandts Passage
About the play:
Performance for 3+, which activates the public space of the city in the form of an imaginative journey, through storytelling. The performance plays in loops, of 15 minutes each for 4 hours.
Duration: 15 min each play over 4 hours
Language: Danish
Age group: 3+
Free admission / no reservation needed.